A course of sustainable development for the sake of a happy life for the people

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The events of the past week reflected the strategic objectives successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in Turkmenistan to diversify the national economic complex, increase its production and export potential, investment activity, expand international cooperation, as well as implement the main priority of state policy - increasing the level and quality of life of the people in the Renaissance era of a new era of a powerful state.

On February 26, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting on the digital system, at which the progress of agricultural campaigns in the country was reviewed.

As noted, currently, in accordance with agrotechnical standards, work on caring for wheat continues. The necessary measures are being taken to prepare land, equipment and equipment, high-quality cotton seeds adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the region for the spring season.

Along with this, planting of potatoes, onions and other vegetable and melon crops continues.

In order to successfully carry out the spring landscaping campaign, areas for planting trees are determined and seedlings are selected.

It was also reported on the ongoing work planned for the current year in the velayats within the framework of the Program for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of an integrated approach to fulfilling the tasks of obtaining rich crop yields, and therefore instructed the heads of velayat administrations to keep under constant control the observance of agrotechnical standards when carrying out planned activities.

A number of instructions were given regarding the organization of a nationwide tree planting campaign.

On March 1, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via the digital system, at which the results of the work of economic sectors for two months of 2024 were summed up and the priority tasks of the country’s development were discussed.

It was also reported about the further modernization of national legislation in accordance with the realities of the time, the improvement of the activities of educational institutions, the participation of young people in the development of innovative technologies, the work being carried out to increase the number of electronic publications, and the development of the sports and Olympic movement.

Issues of ensuring environmental well-being in the country, developing the tourism sector, introducing the natural features of the Fatherland, its historical monuments and cultural values were considered.

Information was given about the preparation of celebrations on the occasion of declaring the city of Anau the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 and about the organization of an exhibition of artifacts of the Parthian Empire and the heritage of the Seljuk Empire in the New Museum in Berlin.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the results of the work carried out over the two months of this year indicate the dynamic development of our independent state.

The gross domestic product indicators in the country's economy remained the same as at the beginning of the year - 6.3 percent.

During the reporting period, the growth rate in industry was 5.6 percent, in trade - 8.1 percent, in transport and communications - 6.6 percent, in agriculture - 3.9 percent.

Considering the current situation in the global economy, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to maintain the pace of growth achieved, the head of state emphasized.

At the meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, noting the important role of mothers who carry out great work to preserve the sacred family hearth, raise their sons and daughters with dignity, and strengthen the unity of our society, signed a Decree conferring the honorary title “Ene mähri” on mothers of large families.

The head of state signed a number of other documents. Among them are the Resolutions on holding an exhibition of Afghan goods and a Turkmen-Afghan business forum in Ashgabat in the coming days, a nationwide greening campaign on March 16 of this year, on the creation of the Scientific and Technological Center “Oguz Khan” by the Oguz Khan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan him, working on an economic basis, as well as on the organization of an international hockey tournament in the capital's Winter Sports Sports Complex during the period April 15–20, 2024.

On March 1–2, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working visit to the Republic of Turkey in order to participate in the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum.

As part of the visit, Hero-Arkadag met with the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan cordially congratulated the head of Turkey on his 70th birthday, and also conveyed warm words of greetings, congratulations and best wishes from President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

For special services in strengthening the bonds of friendship between the two countries and peoples, a huge personal contribution to the expansion of long-term interstate cooperation, by Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the Turkish leader was awarded the title “Hormatly il ýaşulusy” of Turkmenistan.

Following the good Turkmen tradition, Hero-Arkadag presented the national Turkmen ichmek as a gift to the Turkish leader. Such a gift, according to ancient custom, is given as a sign of special gratitude to people who enjoy high respect and honor.

The President of Turkey warmly thanked for the wonderful gift and warm congratulations, emphasizing that the conferment of the honorary title “Hormatly il ýaşulusy” of Turkmenistan is a great honor for him, and he considers this as a visible symbol of the inviolability of relations of friendship and brotherhood between our countries and peoples.

As noted at the meeting, bilateral relations, based on the historically established commonality of the two peoples, are successfully developing across their entire spectrum: in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

Particular attention was paid to the issues of exporting Turkmen electricity to Turkey and supplying Turkmen natural gas to a friendly country under the swap scheme.

At the end of the meeting, a package of bilateral documents was signed to strengthen the Turkmen-Turkish partnership. These include: Declaration of Intent on cooperation in the field of hydrocarbon resources between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkey; Memorandum of mutual cooperation on the development of partnership in the field of natural gas between the State Concern Türkmengaz and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey; Memorandum of understanding between Türkmenistan Airlines JSC and the University of the Turkish Aeronautics Association.

On the same day, Hero-Arkadag met with representatives of Turkish companies successfully operating in the Turkmen market - Chairman of the Board of Management of the Çalik Holding group of companies Ahmet Çalık and Chairman of the Board of Rönesans Holding Erman Ilicak.

During the meetings, it was noted that many years of fruitful cooperation through the private sector makes a great contribution to the expansion of bilateral trade and economic partnership and the realization of its potential.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, made a speech at the third Antalya Diplomatic Forum, voicing the position of Turkmenistan in resolving global economic and humanitarian issues.

As noted, the modern world poses a number of issues to countries and governments that affect not only politics, economics and law, but also ethical, legal norms and relations of honor and dignity.

To maintain political security, sustainable and economic development, it is necessary to maximally involve the peoples and states of the planet, regardless of their historical role, population size, gross domestic product, military potential or level of technological development.

In this regard, Turkmenistan’s position is firm and clear: such an issue in such a controversial time can and should be resolved through global efforts, based on the norms of international law and the UN Charter. Turkmenistan, as a responsible member of the world community, assumes obligations towards achieving this goal, emphasized Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The potential of neutrality and preventive diplomacy was named as the main tool in carrying out these tasks. It was noted that neutrality can become a positional springboard for healthy and responsible forces, individual countries or an alliance of states, which makes it possible to resolve conflict situations and demonstrate that emerging disagreements, no matter how complex and prolonged they may be, can be resolved through peaceful methods and negotiations.

In his speech, Hero-Arkadag recalled the most significant international initiatives of Turkmenistan, including the Global Security Strategy under the auspices of the Community of Nations and proposals to create a Group of Friends of Neutrality at the UN, as well as the UN Regional Center for Technologies Related to Climate Change in Central Asia. As for the activities of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, headquartered in Ashgabat, it can rightfully become an example of a systematic approach to resolving conflicts and overcoming difficult situations, both existing and potential.

National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also touched upon the issue of growing global influence of countries with economies in transition, highlighted the priority areas of Turkmenistan’s strategic course in the field of energy partnership, and focused on our country’s initiatives to develop global transport infrastructure and combat climate change.

At the end of his speech, Hero-Arkadag confirmed the readiness of our country to direct the neutrality and accumulated experience of a peacemaker towards making its contribution in the name of the interests of peace and the harmonious development of mankind.

Thus, the events of the past week once again became clear evidence of the successful implementation of the strategy, implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in accordance with the principles “The State is for the People!”, “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people!” The state is a state only with the people!”, increasing the international authority of the Fatherland as a country that is steadily developing in the political and economic aspects.

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