The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan made a working visit to the city of Arkadag

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On August 27, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working visit to the city of Arkadag. Here, the Hero-Arkadag inquired about the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, the progress of the city's further development, as well as the work being carried out to restore the health of the younger generation.

Early in the morning, Arkadag arrived in the new city, built in the most beautiful corner of the foothills of the Kopetdag. At present, along with the successful implementation of a modern urban development program, special attention is paid to humanitarian activities in accordance with the noble traditions of the Turkmen people. This contributes to effective work aimed at improving the social and living conditions of our people, strengthening the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Having visited the headquarters of the Charity Foundation located in the city of Arkadag, Hero-Arkadag held a working meeting, which was attended by the Manager of the Office of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Vice President of the Charity Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov R. Bazarov, Chairman of the State Committee for Construction of the city of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov, the city mayor G. Mammedova, and the Director General of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov M. Okuzova.

During the working meeting, it was reported on the work done this year by specialized structures and the programs developed in order to successfully complete the tasks set. At first, it was reported on the planned work of the Charity Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Particular attention was paid to the issues of further improvement of the Fund's activities and future tasks.

As R. Bazarov reported, during the reporting period, more than 400 children in need of care were operated on, thanks to the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan, hemodialysis equipment "Dialog +" was donated to the velayat children's rehabilitation centers to improve the health of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, manufactured by the company "B. Braun" of the Federal Republic of Germany, purchased at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care.

In addition, information was voiced that at the expense of the Charitable Foundation, humanitarian aid was sent to children from different countries affected by natural disasters, and special gifts were presented to young Turkmen citizens on the occasion of significant dates celebrated in the country. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of the drawing competition "Biz-Arkadag Serdarly Watanyň bagtyýar nesilleri" among children under 14, held with the assistance of the Foundation.

Hero-Arkadag noted that the noble activities carried out in the country, especially the humane principles inherited from glorious ancestors, inspire people to achieve high goals, play an important role in educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, hard work, and respect for nature.

Currently, work is being carried out at the state level to provide support to children in need of care, with great importance being attached to humanitarian aid in accordance with the noble traditions of the Turkmen people. This activity is aimed at increasing the desire of young people to create and build, to get a profession.

Having examined the drawings of children engaged in artistic creativity, Hero-Arkadag noted that the depiction of the unique features of our beautiful nature and the fertile Turkmen land is a vivid expression of the love and pride of the younger generation for their native Fatherland, and emphasized the importance of building up the creative potential of children.

Having emphasized the need to continue the work carried out in this direction in the spirit of today, Hero-Arkadag said that it is necessary to take a responsible and comprehensive approach to the implementation of the tasks set, and gave a number of specific instructions to the relevant leaders.

The mayor of the city of Arkadag informed about the preparation of events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, widely celebrated in the country, as well as celebrations on the occasion of the presentation of computers to children going to first grade this year on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, the opening of an educational center for robotics in secondary school No. 1 of the city of Arkadag with the assistance of the UN Children's Fund.

It was reported with a feeling of special pride that in general and special secondary and higher educational institutions of the city of Arkadag, the first lesson of the new academic year will be dedicated to the motto of the year “The Treasure of the Mind of Magtymguly Pragy”.

Hero-Arkadag noted that the successes achieved in the country, political, social and international events testify to the increase in the authority of our Motherland in the international arena. It was also emphasized that at the state level, great importance is attached to the issues of harmonious development of young Turkmen citizens, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, receiving a modern education, introducing them to physical education and sports.

Efforts should be coordinated for the organized holding of upcoming events on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth and Independence Day. This also applies to the celebrations dedicated to the Day of Healthcare and Medical Industry Workers and the International Day of Neutrality. In general, they should reflect the achievements of Turkmenistan and the happy life of our people, Hero-Arkadag said.

Speaking about the growing scale of events to mark the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty noted the opening ceremony of a comprehensive secondary school in the Hatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan. The educational institution is being built with the assistance of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, and the upcoming event will be an expression of our people's commitment to the principles of humanism and their desire to build up friendly relations.

The aforementioned school is being built by domestic builders, it will be attended by children of the local Turkmen diaspora, Hero Arkadag noted, emphasizing the advisability of presenting personal computers to the students of the new institution at the expense of the Fund. This will be another confirmation of the humane nature of our deeds and undertakings.

Touching upon international cooperation, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to expanding cooperation with authoritative international structures, including UNICEF. In this regard, in accordance with the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the state pays constant attention to resolving issues of comprehensive development of children, their involvement in scientific activities and participation in prestigious competitions.

The measures taken in this area indicate great concern for the younger generation, which is expressed in the conditions created for active leisure, mastering innovative technologies and a digital system, playing sports and being creative.

Then the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov informed about the implementation of the second stage of the first smart city in the region. As reported, the construction of social and industrial infrastructure facilities has begun, which again indicates the comprehensive nature of the development and development of the city of Arkadag.

There was also information about the upcoming business trip of the delegation of Turkmenistan to participate in the World Smart City Expo in the capital of the Republic of Korea. The exhibition pavilion will present the capabilities of the city of Arkadag, based on computer and smart technologies. As part of the business trip to Seoul, which will last from September 1 to 7 this year, meetings will be held with Korean manufacturers of medical products and an acquaintance with specialized plants on the ground.

The city of Arkadag is a city of the future, creativity and youth, which is built according to the concept of "smart city", and therefore the construction of the second stage facilities must meet the requirements of quality and environmental friendliness. In general, it should combine advanced architectural trends and achievements of national architecture, said the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty.

As for participation in the World Exhibition in the Republic of Korea, everything necessary should be done to present the original achievements and magnificence of the city of Arkadag. The upcoming meetings with Korean manufacturers, in turn, will allow us to exchange experiences and introduce advanced technological developments, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized.

As is known, the Republic of Korea is one of the leading partners of Turkmenistan. At the same time, the Korean Educational Center named after King Sejong operates in the capital, and a number of universities teach the Korean language. Speaking about this, the Hero-Arkadag noted the importance of including representatives of specialized structures and students of the relevant field of study in the delegation.

Such events open up enormous opportunities for our youth to become familiar with the achievements of world science and build up international partnerships, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized, ordering to continue work in this area.

Then Hero-Arkadag noted the role of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Since the opening of the Center, which is equipped with the latest technology, the scale of charitable assistance to children in need of care has significantly expanded. In this regard, the floor was given to the Director General of the medical institution of the city of Arkadag M. Okuzova, who informed about the dynamics of the activities of the department she heads during the period under review.

As reported, during the period under review, the Center's young patients received about 20 types of medical services. The above indicators clearly demonstrate the successful implementation of the state course on the establishment of the principles of a healthy lifestyle and public health protection, laid down by Hero Arkadag, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

According to the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028, caring for the health of citizens, especially young people, is defined as one of the priorities of Turkmenistan's policy. And here it should be noted that the state pays special attention to resolving issues of providing assistance to children in need of care and strengthening their health.

As Hero Arkadag noted, ensuring social security and comprehensive development of the younger generation is a feature inherent in the spirit and morality of the Turkmen people, so it is very important to popularize established social principles in society.

In accordance with the State Program "Saglyk", modern medical institutions, in particular, clinics and scientific and clinical centers that provide high-class medical services, have been built in all regions of Turkmenistan. Speaking about this, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty emphasized the importance of properly organizing the activities of the Children's Health and Rehabilitation Center named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. A number of instructions were given in this regard.

In Turkmenistan, recognized as the land of a happy childhood, issues of health protection, harmonious development and modern education of the young generation will always be given unremitting attention. The equipment of specialized institutions of the medical infrastructure and the services they provide meet international standards, which fully corresponds to the level of social development of our Fatherland.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag wished everyone success in solving the planned tasks, in particular, in activating charitable activities.

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