The winners of the competition of innovative projects in Turkmenistan “Digital Solution—2023” have been determined

Written on 13.11.2023

A ceremony was held in Ashgabat to award the winners of the competition of innovative projects “Digital Solution - 2023”, which was held among Turkmen youth by the Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency.
Participants presented their fresh ideas, projects and innovative developments in the following categories:
• healthcare • science and education • transport and logistics • electronics industry • agriculture • services sector • robotics
The works of 42 young and talented IT specialists were recognized as the best. Their developments will undoubtedly contribute to the development of modern technologies in the country that make life and working conditions easier for people, and the creation of convenient and simple user services. Among the presented developments are an innovative stroller for people with limited mobility, a web platform that will help children choose a future profession, a virtual chemical laboratory, an Internet portal for renewable energy sources, a “smart farm” and much more.
The competition jury evaluated the works on their uniqueness, accessibility, quality of execution, as well as significance in solving social, economic, production and management issues.
The jury included representatives of structures under “Turkmenaragatnashyk”, various ministries and departments, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of the country, OJSC “Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan”, Youth Organization named after Magtymguly.

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