The President of Turkmenistan accepted the invitation of the head of Kazakhstan to visit Astana

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As reported earlier, a telephone conversation took place between the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. During the conversation, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed sincere gratitude to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for the efforts aimed at further developing mutually beneficial interstate cooperation.

Expressing gratitude for the kind words, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev invited President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to visit Kazakhstan and take part in the sixth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, as well as the first Summit of the Dialogue "Central Asia + Japan", which will be held in Astana.

Thanking his Kazakh counterpart for the invitation, the head of Turkmenistan respectfully accepted the invitation and expressed confidence that the initiatives that will be announced at these meetings will serve to define new prospects for cooperation in the region, and wished these events success.

During the telephone conversation, an interested exchange of views took place on priority issues of the bilateral partnership, which is dynamically developing in various areas. This concerns both trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, and coordination of interaction in the international arena.

The subject of detailed discussion was the implementation of joint projects, in particular, in the gas, energy and transport and transit sectors. Having placed special emphasis on the transport sector, which is one of the key areas of interstate partnership, Presidents Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized the importance of implementing the agreements reached earlier.

It was also noted that regular and trusting contacts at a high level play an important role in the progressive development of Turkmen-Kazakh cooperation, TDH writes.

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