Turkmen-Turkish political consultations were held in Ankara

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Inter-Ministry of Foreign Affairs political consultations between Turkmenistan and Turkey were held in Ankara on April 25-26, reports the press service of the Turkmen Foreign Ministry. The delegation of Turkmenistan was headed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs A. Gurbanov.

During the first round of consultations, the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan met with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey B. Akçapar. The parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in politics, economics, culture, as well as the regional and international agenda.

The importance of contacts at the highest level was especially noted, such as the recent visit of the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkey for the Anatolian Diplomatic Forum. The prospects for energy and transport cooperation are considered.

As part of the second round of political consultations, a meeting was held with the Director General of the Department for Cooperation with the Countries of the Turkic World and Central Asia of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs G. Turan.

The parties discussed deepening interstate ties and expanding interaction, including within the UN. The cultural and humanitarian sphere is highlighted with an emphasis on education, science and culture. The importance of regular inter-MFA consultations was emphasized.

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