CJSC “Turkmen hemrasy” held a conference

Written on 01.03.2021

On February 26, 2021, students and teachers of the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, together with employees of CJSC "Turkmen hemrasy", held a conference on the implementation of the operating power of transponders of the “TurkmenAlem 52.0E” communication satellite. During the conference, the employees of CJSC “Turkmen hemrasy” discussed the technical parameters of the “TurkmenAlem 52.0E” satellite, types of satellite services, marketing strategies for the implementation of services in the domestic and foreign markets, the procedure for price formation, the development of satellite communications in the world and a several questions about promotion. Teachers and students of the institute showed interest in discussing the types of satellite communication services, their importance inside and outside our country and on relations with other satellite operators.

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