
Written on 26.11.2020

On November 24-25, 2020, in Ashgabat, in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan, an international online conference on the digital economy and innovative technologies “TurkmenTel 2020” was held. It was attended by representatives of Turkmen and foreign companies working in the field of communications, as well as experts and businessmen. On the first day at the forum, the director of our society, Orazdurdyyev Batyr, made a speech.

In his presentation on the development of satellite communications in Turkmenistan, he, in particular, said the following.

Turkmenistan is confidently following the path of progress. As you know, in 2015, our first communication satellite “TurkmenAlem 52.0E" was launched into orbit, which made it possible to provide communications in hard-to-reach territories of our country, transmit and receive information flows at high speed. In the same year, CJSC “Turkmen hemrasy” was established.

Currently, satellite communications are used in various industries and infrastructures of the country. The main types of services provided are: leasing of a satellite segment, television and radio broadcasting, broadband Internet access, traffic transit service for fixed mobile operators, video conferencing services, telemedicine.

At the end of his speech, the director of the CJSC “Turkmen hemrasy” noted that demonstrates openness and focus on strengthening mutually beneficial relations with all interested parties - both with individual states and with authoritative international organizations.

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