The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting.

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On November 25, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and the heads of the velayats. The meeting reviewed the progress of seasonal fieldwork in the regions and the implementation of tasks outlined in the National Rural Program.

The first report was given by the head of Ahal velayat, S. Soltanmyradov, who reported on the pace of agricultural campaigns in the region.

It was noted that the cotton harvest continues until the last boll. Measures are being taken to effectively utilize agricultural machinery and ensure the uninterrupted transportation of the harvest to reception points and cotton processing plants.

In addition, in preparation for the cotton planting season, plowing and fertilization of fields with mineral fertilizers are being carried out in the velayat.

All necessary preparations are being made for agricultural machinery for the next season.

Timely settlements with cotton growers are being carried out in the region.

The head of the velayat administration also reported on the progress of work according to the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of harvesting cotton on agricultural lands until the last boll, and caring for wheat fields in accordance with agrotechnical standards, giving specific instructions to the head of the velayat.

Next, the head of Balkan velayat, N. Ashyrmyradov, reported on the pace of seasonal agricultural work in the region.

It was reported that necessary measures are being taken to harvest cotton without losses. Steps are being implemented to productively utilize agricultural machinery and ensure the uninterrupted delivery of the harvested raw material to reception points.

In the fields of the velayat, care for wheat is being carried out, including vegetative irrigation and fertilization with mineral fertilizers.

In addition, preparations for the future cotton planting season are underway, including plowing, fertilizing the soil with appropriate fertilizers, and clearing nearby areas.

Necessary work is also being carried out to prepare and repair agricultural machinery for the next season.

Timely settlements with producers for the cotton delivered to the state are being carried out in the region.

Furthermore, work carried out under the National Rural Program was reported.

After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of the ongoing seasonal agricultural activities and instructed the head of the velayat to strictly control compliance with agrotechnical requirements for wheat care.

The working meeting continued with a report from the head of Dashoguz velayat, D. Babayev, on the progress of agricultural campaigns in the region.

It was reported that measures are being taken to harvest cotton until the last boll and ensure the effective functioning of agricultural machinery.

In the fields of the region sown with wheat, necessary steps are being taken to achieve uniform germination.

Currently, in preparation for the cotton planting season, plowing, fertilization of the soil with mineral fertilizers, and clearing of nearby areas are being carried out in the velayat.

At the same time, all necessary preparations are being made for the proper functioning of agricultural machinery in the next season.

Timely settlements with cotton growers for the delivered cotton harvest are being carried out in the region.

The head of the velayat administration also reported on the work carried out under the National Rural Program.

Summarizing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of conducting seasonal agricultural activities at a proper organizational and qualitative level and gave specific instructions to the head of the velayat in this regard.

Next, the head of Lebap velayat, M. Annanepesov, reported on the state of agriculture in the region.

It was reported that appropriate work is being carried out these days to harvest cotton without losses and deliver it to the state.

Measures are also being taken to properly care for wheat: soil fertilization and vegetative irrigation are being carried out.

In preparation for the cotton planting season, plowing, soil fertilization with mineral fertilizers, and clearing of nearby areas are being carried out.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of agricultural machinery and equipment in the upcoming season, repair and preventive work has begun.

Currently, settlements with cotton growers for the delivered harvest have begun.

The head of the velayat also reported on the progress of the National Rural Program in the velayat.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the head of the velayat to strictly control the conduct of seasonal work on agricultural lands in accordance with agrotechnical standards.

Next, the head of Mary velayat, B. Orazov, reported on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.

It was reported that necessary measures are being taken to harvest cotton without losses. In this regard, cotton harvesters are effectively utilized, and the uninterrupted reception, storage, and processing of the harvested raw material are ensured.

In the wheat fields of the velayat, vegetative irrigation is being carried out to achieve good germination.

Efforts are also being made to harvest sugar beets and ensure their uninterrupted transportation to reception points.

To prepare the soil for the spring cotton planting, mineral fertilization is being carried out, with agricultural machinery effectively utilized. In addition, clearing activities are being conducted around the fields.

At the same time, work is being organized to repair machinery and equipment that will be used in seasonal agricultural campaigns next year.

Payments to cotton growers are being made.

It was also reported on the tasks outlined in the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized the importance of harvesting cotton until the last boll, properly caring for wheat crops in compliance with agrotechnical standards, and gave specific instructions to the head of the velayat.

Next, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev reported on the pace of seasonal work in the agricultural sector in the regions of the country.

It was reported that measures are being taken to harvest the cotton grown by our cotton growers until the last boll.

In the fields sown with wheat, care is being taken according to agrotechnical standards, including vegetative irrigation and fertilization with mineral fertilizers.

To prepare land plots for the cotton planting for next year's harvest, plowing and fertilization with mineral fertilizers are being carried out.

In addition, repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment that will be used in agricultural work next year have begun.

Efforts are being made to timely harvest the sugar beets grown in Mary velayat.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of conducting seasonal agricultural campaigns and instructed the vice-premier to control the implementation of the tasks set.

Then, addressing the meeting participants, the head of state ordered the necessary measures to be taken to harvest cotton until the last boll, strictly control the work on wheat care, including vegetative irrigation and fertilization with mineral fertilizers according to agrotechnical deadlines, and timely treat fields against weeds to achieve a rich harvest.

The President of the country emphasized the importance of laying the foundation for next year's harvest, instructing the timely conduct of agrotechnical work on cotton planting areas.

In addition, it was instructed to make timely settlements with cotton producers.

Furthermore, the head of state ordered the technical maintenance of machinery and equipment planned for use in seasonal agricultural work next year, timely settlements with cotton and wheat producers in the velayats, and the enterprises serving them for the work done on cotton harvesting this year and the laying of the wheat harvest for next year, to harvest the sugar beets grown in Mary velayat without losses, and to strictly control the implementation of the National Rural Program in the regions.

Concluding the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the participants good health, family well-being, and great success in their work.

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