More than 40 services are available on the government services portal of Turkmenistan

Written on 20.01.2024

The unified portal of public services of Turkmenistan provides citizens of the country with the opportunity to use more than 40 online services that help save time and money.
Through the portal you can make utility payments, pay for communication services and the education system, draw up various documents and receive legal assistance from relevant authorities without leaving your home.
The website also provides up-to-date information on what documents are needed to obtain a passport, state benefits, admission to universities, obtaining a child’s birth certificate, etc. Through the platform, you can download various sample documents for applying to the authorities.
More than 40 thousand people regularly visit the portal and have already used over 200 thousand electronic services.
The unified portal of public services of Turkmenistan is available both through the official website and applications for devices based on Android and iOS.

If you want to learn more about our services or have any questions, please contact us.