Digitalization is a key factor in economic development

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The introduction of a digital system in all spheres and sectors of the national economy is the main focus of the conceptual document "Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State: National Program for Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052" and "Programs of the President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028", as well as the most important condition for achieving the level of developed countries, ensuring stable rates of economic growth based on knowledge and innovation.

As the experience of technologically developed countries shows, it was digitalization that allowed them to make a leap forward and become one of the world leaders. In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov guides the Government, heads of ministries and industry departments towards global trends and expansion of international cooperation at all levels.

The development prospects of Turkmenistan are directly related to the strengthening of external factors: further integration into global economic relations, intensification of mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment partnerships, the emergence of new areas of interaction against the backdrop of scientific and technological progress, and the development of agreed solutions to common issues for humanity.

Among the national strategic priorities, the head of state identified in the medium term the active introduction of information technologies into various sectors of the economy, the creation of a secure IT infrastructure that provides the appropriate foundations for the accelerated digitalization process, which is gaining momentum every day.

Competitiveness, innovation and the creation of new jobs - all this is largely determined by technologization. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continues to implement the course outlined by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on accelerated modernization through the cultivation of new industries using digital technologies.

In this direction, our country is implementing the Concept designed until 2025, which is a Roadmap for the technological transformation of all industries and their public administration, the formation of a knowledge economy based on enormous resource and production potential and is organically integrated into the adopted state programs and long-term plans for the future.

In any area today, it is necessary to review the tasks taking into account the existing external factors of globalization and modern trends. In Turkmenistan, which has embarked on the path of innovative development, a lot of work is underway on technical support and the formation of the corresponding infrastructure.

An example is the development of the urban development sector. The scale of the use of digital, information and communication and "green" technologies is evidenced by the city of Arkadag, built on the basis of the "smart city" concept, which is a synthesis of the best traditions of national architecture and trends in modern design. A well-thought-out urban infrastructure that fully complies with international standards, including in the field of ecology, provides a comfortable and favorable environment for the population.

The introduction of innovative technologies and digital solutions in the city of Arkadag, built in the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people and as a result of the unprecedented efforts of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, contributed to the creation of "smart" city and "smart" home systems, remote control of these services, and increased reliability from cyber threats. The use of innovations and modern technologies is also envisaged in the construction of "Ashgabat City".

The resource capabilities and advantages of the geographical location of Turkmenistan are considered as factors of positive influence on the development of regional and interregional economic cooperation. In this context, the introduction of digital technologies, 3D and 2D research at oil and gas fields open up new prospects for further diversification of this industry, which, with colossal reserves of hydrocarbon resources, consistently implements the comprehensive strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov aimed at the innovative development of the domestic fuel and energy complex.

Of course, digitalization is an important aspect of the development of the transport complex. The scope of services provided by specialized enterprises is expanding. It should be noted that in the field of transport, Turkmenistan is focused on digital innovative technologies and advanced world experience, which allows for logistics calculations to optimize schemes and routes for international transit cargo transportation.

Technical and technological modernization is a significant aspect of the reforms also carried out in the domestic agricultural sector. The use of a digital system in agricultural production in accordance with international experience and the requirements of the time, as well as national characteristics, creates broad opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Production complexes equipped with digital technologies, operating and opening in the country's velayats by members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, contribute to the growth of product deliveries to foreign countries.

The introduction of a digital format also allows the manufacturer to track the logistics chain of product sales online from the moment of loading and dispatch to delivery to the destination, including information on transit time, cargo weight, its safety in proper condition, the name of the country and client, etc. This makes it possible to promptly resolve relevant issues, work out optimal directions and routes for delivering goods to the domestic and foreign markets, taking into account the current marketing situation and consumer demand.

In relation to banking services and services, digital transformation is a fundamental change in the relationship between participants in the banking market and clients, which implies, first of all, increasing the speed of service and saving clients' time through the use of alternative service channels.

Amid the development of the mobile Internet and the expansion of smartphone functions, mobile applications are becoming a key point, whose users go online to check their account balance, view completed transactions, make transfers and pay for services, as well as to receive or repay a loan, place a deposit or purchase insurance.

Digitalization of service, that is, the creation of a powerful, reliable and flexible technological platform capable of processing large volumes of data in a short period of time and providing a full range of services, is a key project in the technological transformation of banks in Turkmenistan.

A significant role in the context of digitalization belongs to the trade industry. At the initiative of the head of state, comprehensive measures are being implemented in the country aimed at developing online trade, as well as increasing the competitiveness of local manufacturers. As in other sectors of the economy, a legal framework has been created and is being systematically improved in this area, taking into account the introduction of digital technologies, the emergence of digital ecosystems and innovative business models.

Modern buyers value convenience and environmental friendliness more, strive to save time, and require a personal approach. They actively use digital technologies and various channels to obtain information. Thus, two key trends can be identified in the field of digitalization of Turkmen trade: the active use of advanced technologies and the desire for in-depth analysis of customers.

The digital system also opens up favorable prospects for the domestic private sector, to the support of which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pays constant attention.

Along with the introduction of progressive technologies, the use of the latest equipment and software, and the efficient use of information resources, digital transformation in this area also implies fundamental changes in management approaches, which opens the way to innovative ways of developing enterprises. Starting and developing your own business has become much easier thanks to the large number of tools provided by digitalization. Including for cooperation with business partners located in almost any region of the planet.

In our country, an effective impetus has been given to the development of high-tech industries, in particular, the electronics industry. It is noteworthy that new digital products developed by Turkmen specialists are widely used in practice, not inferior in their functional qualities and ease of use to foreign analogues.

Thus, at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system held on July 26 of this year, it was noted that, according to the Implementation Plan of the State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, it is planned to take measures to support small and medium-sized businesses specializing in the creation of national software products and the production of special equipment.

As reported, the feasibility of establishing the production of various servers and technical means for storing data and protecting against cyber threats by "Tehno" Merkez Closed Joint-Stock Company has been studied. Along with this, in the future, it is planned to provide maintenance and technical support for server devices, as well as the production of equipment necessary for the smart city and smart home systems that meet international standards. This will create additional jobs and improve the professional level of employees.

In this regard, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that our country pays great attention to the development of the digital economy, and implements program measures to create import-substituting industries. Having approved the proposal to establish the production of server equipment for storing data and protecting against cyber threats in the country, the head of state instructed the head of the Agency to continue working in this direction.

Advanced technologies are also radically changing the service sector. As is known, in order to automate the production activities of hakimliks, industry departments, simplify registration and accounting work, as well as for the convenience of citizens, the Unified State Website of Services of Turkmenistan was created. This portal is an automated information system "One Window" for the provision of government services in electronic format to the population and business.

The country continues to improve the legal and regulatory framework for activities in the field of information and telecommunications services. Along with effective work on the implementation of the digital economy, the full-scale implementation of the "Electronic Government" system is carried out.

According to the relevant Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, the Agency "Türkmenaragatnaşyk" is determined as the authorized body for the development of the digital economy in our country. Within the framework of the tasks assigned to the Agency, activities are carried out in the field of local and cellular telephone communications, the Internet, postal services, digital economy, cybersecurity, satellite communications, broadcasting of national television and radio channels, and training of specialists.

One of the key tasks, the head of state defined as ensuring universal accessibility of digital and mobile services. Industry specialists are implementing large projects aimed at creating a comprehensive communications system based on advanced technologies, improving the quality and range of communications services, along with Internet access for the population of the most remote corners of the country. In this context, the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan on transforming the social and living conditions of the population of villages, towns, etrap cities and etrap centers for the period up to 2028 continues in a new capacity - at the level of digitalization of regions and the hinterland, becoming a powerful catalyst for their socio-economic development.

Digital communication channels, artificial intelligence, robotics - now all this is becoming attributes of our everyday life.

At the same time, advanced technologies require the training of qualified professional personnel. The Concept of Development of the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan is aimed at solving the tasks set in this area. Its implementation is aimed at creating an information educational environment and fully providing this area with electronic learning resources, building up the intellectual potential of society, improving specialized methods at the level of international standards.

For these purposes, large-scale comprehensive work is being carried out in the Fatherland, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and consistently continuing under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. All conditions for the successful conduct of fundamental and applied research, expanding their range are being created in research institutes, higher education institutions, and other specialized structures.

In this regard, we recall that at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on June 7, the head of state signed the Resolution "On assigning the status of an international science and technology park to the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan." This decision will allow Turkmen scientists and engineers to intensify and deepen interaction with prestigious foreign specialized centers, including the International Association of Science Parks (IASP).

In accordance with the large-scale programs deployed in the country, the connection between science, education and production is being actively strengthened. Here, the key factors are the most complete use of the intellectual potential of society, the application of scientific achievements for the purpose of intensive growth and bringing the economy to a qualitatively new level, which is directly related to the use of modern technologies, the results of fundamental and applied research.

Thus, the policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to accelerate the transition of the economy of Turkmenistan to innovative tracks, increase the growth of business and investment activity, increase employment in knowledge-intensive industries, and introduce advanced information technologies will significantly improve the quality of life and the level of well-being of the people.

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