"Turkmenaragatnashyk" Agency held an event about road safety

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On August 19, a large-scale propaganda and educational event about road safety was held in Turkmenistan, organized by the "Turkmenaragatnashyk" agency.

The event, aimed at young people, was held in the conference hall of "Altyn Asyr" CJSC with the participation of law enforcement officers of the country.

The event became part of the state program to ensure the prosperous life of citizens and the introduction of healthy lifestyle standards. Participants discussed the importance of complying with traffic rules for both pedestrians and drivers.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the protection of human health and safety is a priority area of ​​state policy in Turkmenistan. The speakers also touched upon the topics of construction of modern roads and development of the transport complex within the framework of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy of the Country until 2025.

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