The scientific and educational sphere is the basis for the country's further progress

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One of the priorities of the state policy pursued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is the improvement of the science and education system, in particular, the training of young highly qualified scientists of a new generation, who will have to ensure the solution of the grand tasks set before the people in the modern era of innovation and progress.

That is why the head of Turkmenistan, successfully continuing the reforms started by Hero Arkadag, attaches special strategic importance to the accelerated development of science, the adoption of large-scale measures to improve and stimulate it, and strives to ensure that all planned grandiose transformations have a deep scientific basis. For these purposes, a solid legal basis for domestic science and education has been developed, government decisions have been made on their further development and modernization of the infrastructure, and long-term cooperation in the field of high technologies is being carried out with large international organizations and research centers.

In research institutes, as well as in higher educational institutions and other specialized structures of the country, all conditions are created for the successful conduct of research, expanding its range. At the same time, priority is given to the relationship between science, education and production. Consistent steps are being taken to fully support young people, develop and realize their potential.

Currently, within the framework of the Program "Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State: National Program for Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052" and the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, the relationship between fundamental and theoretical scientific research is significantly intensified.

At the expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 12, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed to continue scientific research activities to transform the country into a scientifically developed state. In this regard, emphasis was placed on the importance of increasing international cooperation in this area.

The State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Biotechnology in Turkmenistan for 2024-2028, the Procedure for organizing and conducting state registration of scientific programs (projects), plans and reports on scientific activities have been approved. The Scientific and Technical Center "Oguz han" of the Oguz Han Engineering and Technology University was also created.

As is known, the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan was awarded the status of the International Science and Technology Park. The corresponding Resolution was signed by the head of state during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on the eve of Science Day. This decision will allow our scientists and engineers to intensify interaction with prestigious foreign specialized centers, including the International Association of Science Parks (IASP).

Industrial-innovative and information-technological research conducted by research institutes, higher educational institutions, the Center for Young Scientists at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtumguly, as well as scientific discoveries of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists contribute to solving the most important problems of the socio-economic development of the country.

This goal is also intended to be promoted by the International Scientific Conference "Development and Future of Innovative Technologies in Turkmenistan", timed to coincide with the Day of Science, celebrated in our country on June 12. The forum brought together domestic scientists and representatives of scientific circles from dozens of foreign countries. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, science is a solid platform for the implementation of national and generally recognized great goals. A characteristic feature of the scientific system is its focus on the practical use of scientific achievements. And here it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the value of any development is higher, the faster its implementation in production.

It is noteworthy that the venue for the forum was the International Scientific and Technological Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. An interested exchange of views took place within the framework of the sessions "Chemical Technologies and Ecology", "Nanotechnology and Energy", "Technologies for the Production of Bio-, Food and Medicines", "Information and Communication and Geographical Information Systems", "Innovative Economy".

It should be noted that before the conference, its participants got acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to digital technologies and innovative projects of the International Science and Technology Park and the German Society for International Cooperation "GIZ" under the motto "Transition to renewable energy sources - energy of the future". The forum delegates were also given the opportunity to take part in the award ceremony for the winners of the competition among schoolchildren "Young Innovators".

The forums include the International Scientific Conference "Science, Technology and Innovative Technologies in the Era of the Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State", during which foreign participants expressed their readiness for a broad partnership, noting the presence of a modern scientific infrastructure in Turkmenistan and conditions created for innovative activities thanks to the support and attention of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The forum delegates were invited to the celebrations on the occasion of Science Day, in particular, to the award ceremony for the winners of the scientific paper competition among the youth of Turkmenistan. The number of contestants in this prestigious intellectual competition is steadily growing every year. This year, held under the motto "The Treasure of the Mind of Magtymguly Pragy", 1,670 young scientists and students took part in it, presenting their developments, theoretical research and research in six areas of science and technology: "Nanotechnology, chemical technology, the study of new materials and energy"; "Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics"; "Information and communication systems, computer technologies"; "Modern medicine and drug production technologies"; "Innovative economics"; "Humanities".

Of the total number of contenders for prize places, the jury chose 107 works. The determining criteria were the importance and scientific novelty of the projects, their relevance and demand from the point of view of practical implementation and prospects for implementation in production.

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pragy, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, and presentations were also organized.

One of the important events was the International Scientific Conference "The Treasure of the Mind of Magtymguly Pragy". The forum brought together representatives of scientific circles and specialists from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, India, Spain, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Malaysia, UAE, Pakistan, Russia, Romania, the Republic of Korea, the USA, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, France and others. The guests also included leaders and representatives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY).

In his welcoming address to the conference participants, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that this forum would be of great importance in the deep and comprehensive study of the rich and valuable literary heritage of Magtymguly Pragy, widely known for his delightful poems, which has entered the golden treasury of world literature.

The state creates all conditions so that young Turkmen citizens, having received excellent upbringing and education, serve their native Fatherland and people with dignity. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasizes, our main goal is to raise a highly educated generation of true patriots who know the history of the people, are proud of today's high achievements of their independent country, and strive to increase its glory.

Among the priority tasks set by the head of state at the above-mentioned extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of six months for the heads of the education sector are proper preparation for the new academic year, repairs in secondary and higher educational institutions, admission to universities of talented, the most worthy representatives of the younger generation, and organized and fair conduct of entrance exams. Among the priorities are also defined the improvement of educational programs and plans, provision of schools with textbooks and manuals in sufficient quantities.

The timeliness of all the plans is obvious. Only a high level of education of young people, their acquisition of the necessary knowledge and practical skills, and the upbringing of young people based on moral and ethical standards will ensure the full realization of the country's enormous potential. Fulfilling the assigned tasks is a purposeful and painstaking work.

Our era is a time of unprecedented growth in scientific and technological progress, due to the growth of knowledge, technology, education and creative opportunities. That is why Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the training of highly qualified specialists, the creation of a wide network of modern educational institutions using the latest computer technologies, multimedia systems, best practices, that is, the innovative development of the education sector.

Specific steps in this area are an increase in the current year's enrollment of students in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, the opening of new specialties in them, and the expansion of areas of professional education.

It should be noted that eight higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan were included in the world ranking "UI GreenMetric World University Ranking", published in 2023. Nine higher educational institutions of our country are active members of the International Association of Universities.

The Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan approved the "Regulation on state accreditation of educational activities". The document was developed in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan "On Education" in order to introduce modern models of assessing the quality of education based on international experience in the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state.

At the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on May 25, the head of state signed the Resolution, approving the Concept of improving the methodology of teaching general education programs in Turkmenistan until 2028 and the Action Plan for its implementation.

This document provides for steps to ensure the continuity and interconnection of education provided in children's institutions and secondary schools, the formation of educated, intellectually developed, patriotic individuals.

In addition, it is planned to take practical measures to deepen the professional knowledge of teachers by expanding the range of training of teaching staff, improving the content, forms of training based on new technologies, introducing indicators of international programs into the national education system that assess the quality of knowledge.

The adoption of these important documents demonstrates the unflagging attention of the head of state to improving the education system, issues of reforming the scientific and educational sphere, and its systematically bringing it up to the level of world standards.

In this context, work is being carried out to assess the development of the educational system, analyze the needs for teaching staff in secondary schools, and improve its material and technical base.

By introducing world standards into the educational process, our country is increasing its interaction in the humanitarian sphere with the UN. Joint activities are being carried out with authoritative international structures - UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, UNESCO.

Thus, in Turkmenistan, they are working on the introduction of a new education management information system (EMIS), for which a pilot application has already been developed. For these purposes, UNICEF, together with the Ministry of Education and the Innovative Information Center of this institution, conducted a training course to familiarize with the EMIS and train national specialists in its use.

Let us recall that in May 2023, Turkmenistan was elected to the UNICEF Executive Board for the period 2024-2026.

At the state level, special importance is attached to solving the problems arising from the Concept of Digital Education, the participation of young people in international educational Olympiads. This contributes to the effectiveness of international competitions and subject Olympiads among schoolchildren held in the domestic education system. This year, schoolchildren and students won a total of 156 gold, 242 silver and 339 bronze medals in international competitions, including Internet Olympiads.

In March of this year, the International Subject Olympiad in Mathematics among schoolchildren, organized with the support of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, started in the city of Arkadag.

Speakers at the opening of the creative competition placed special emphasis on the key tasks of the state doctrine of the National Leader of the Turkmen people - the founder of the Renaissance era of a new era of a powerful state. Much attention was paid to the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the ever-increasing role of Turkmenistan in the international arena, large-scale initiatives of the head of state, and the activities carried out to improve the domestic education system.

Among the priority steps that determine the fate of the country and the happy future of the people is the need to instill in young citizens the desire to constantly enrich their knowledge and understand global development trends.

In Turkmenistan, measures are being taken to provide comprehensive support to young people, develop and realize their potential, and improve the legislative framework in this area. A corresponding State Program for 2021-2025 has been approved.

As is known, in order to develop international youth partnerships based on the legislation and international treaties of the country, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution approving the Strategy for International Cooperation of the Youth of Turkmenistan for 2023-2030.

Interstate dialogue is actively developing in various areas related to the successful implementation of a large-scale educational reform carried out by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Seminars, training sessions, lecture courses and other forms of joint activities of educational institutions of the Fatherland and a number of foreign countries have become traditional.

Within the framework of the adopted national programs, modern buildings of secondary and higher educational institutions, kindergartens are being built and put into operation in all corners of the Motherland, which are equipped with the latest computers and educational and technical means, interactive multimedia technologies.

Every year, all first-graders in the country are presented with "Bilimli" computers, which is another manifestation of the state's concern for the upbringing and harmonious development of the young generation.

The integration of Turkmen education into the global educational space has today outlined new guidelines for the training of professionals: increasing the competitiveness of specialists in the labor market and fluency in their profession at the level of international standards. In this regard, special attention is paid to the study of foreign languages ​​as the most important factor in the training of highly qualified specialists capable of professional mobility in the context of informatization of society.

In this context, forums with the participation of foreign guests, as well as events organized by the Ministry of Education and educational institutions of our country together with international organizations, diplomatic missions of different countries and educational centers, are of particular importance. It is also worth mentioning the numerous events held in 2024 in educational institutions of the Fatherland, as well as in foreign universities with the participation of Turkmen students, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the classic of Turkmen literature Magtymguly Pragy.

The education system should be based on the best world experience, original spiritual values, national traditions and customs, the richest historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmen people. Based on this, it is necessary to solve a number of important tasks - bringing the domestic scientific and educational sphere to the world level, creating all the conditions for the harmonious development and broadening the horizons of young people, training young scientists, professional specialists for various industries.

Thus, the large-scale comprehensive activity carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is dictated, first of all, by the high responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, for the future of the current and all subsequent generations of Turkmen citizens, who will have to live and work in the age of rapidly developing scientific and technological progress, the greatest achievements of human thought.

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