Ambassador of Turkmenistan presents credentials to the President of the Republic of Slovenia

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Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Slovenia Esen Aydogdiyev presented his credentials to the President of the Republic of Slovenia Ms. Nataša Pirc-Musar.

Having congratulated the Turkmen diplomat on his appointment to the high post, the head of Slovenia wished him success in his work and expressed confidence that the friendly and respectful relations between Turkmenistan and Slovenia will continue, in line with the fundamental interests of the peoples of the two countries.

In turn, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan assured the President of Slovenia that he would do everything necessary to continue the established traditions of cooperation, mutual understanding and mutually beneficial partnership.

During the conversation, the importance of intensifying the political and diplomatic dialogue between Turkmenistan and Slovenia both on a bilateral basis and within the framework of international organizations was noted, and the significance of further building up mutually beneficial trade and economic partnership was emphasized. In this context, the significant role of the activities of the bilateral Intergovernmental Turkmen-Slovenian Commission on Economic Cooperation was noted.

Due attention was paid to the development and expansion of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between the two friendly states.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Republic of Slovenia Nataša Pirc-Musar conveyed warm greetings and best wishes to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

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