New heads of administrations in Ahal, Dashoguz and Lebap velayats

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During a working meeting held on July 29 with the participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, hakims of the velayats, heads of relevant ministries and industry departments, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed a number of Decrees, according to which:

Hojagulyev Rovshen Jepbarguliyevich was relieved of his post as hakim of the Ahal velayat in connection with his transfer to another job;

Soltanmyradov Soltanmyrat Akmammedovich was appointed hakim of the Ahal velayat and relieved of his post as hakim of the Dashoguz velayat;

Babayev Dovletgeldi Seyidovich was appointed hakim of the Dashoguz velayat;

Amangeldiyev Shohrat Annagurbanovich was relieved of his post as hakim of the Lebap velayat in connection with his transfer to another job;

Annanepesov Maksat Kovusovich was appointed hakim of Lebap velayat.

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