The President of Turkmenistan received the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

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On July 24, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan Bernd Heinze.

Expressing gratitude for the time allocated for the meeting and the opportunity to discuss in a personal conversation the current state and prospects for the development of interstate cooperation, the diplomat presented his credentials to the head of state and conveyed warm words of greeting from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who addressed wishes of happiness and prosperity to the President Turkmenistan, as well as the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all Turkmen people.

Having warmly welcomed the ambassador to the ancient and hospitable Turkmen land, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov reciprocated his best wishes to the top leadership of the friendly country and sincerely congratulated Bernd Heinze on his appointment to an important post, wishing him great success in responsible diplomatic work to further develop and strengthen friendly relations between our countries.

As it was emphasized, the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the important partners of Turkmenistan in the European region. Currently, effective interstate cooperation has been established in all areas, especially in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres.

Particularly highlighting the positive nature of political and diplomatic relations, the head of state noted with satisfaction that Turkmenistan and Germany successfully cooperate not only on a bilateral, but also on a multilateral basis.

This is clearly evidenced by the mutual support provided within large and authoritative international organizations, in particular the UN and its structures. This support primarily concerns international initiatives aimed at ensuring peace, prosperity and sustainable development throughout the world.

It was also noted that in recent years cooperation has been successfully developing within the framework of the “Central Asia + Germany” dialogue. Negotiations held in this format facilitate an effective exchange of views on issues of mutual interest.

According to the general opinion, another priority vector of bilateral relations is partnership in the trade and economic sphere. In this regard, effective interaction in such important areas as industry, agriculture, banking, transport and communications complex, etc. was noted.

Particularly emphasizing the productivity of cooperation within the framework of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, the head of the Turkmen state noted the significant contribution of German companies to the development of the economy of our country over many years.

An example of effective cooperation is the established long-term Turkmen-German relations in the field of healthcare. As is known, within the framework of this traditional partnership, a number of programs are operating with the aim of exchanging experience with German specialists, improving the qualifications of Turkmen doctors and studying the most advanced medical practices in Europe.

During the conversation, which took place in a constructive manner, the importance of further development of established cultural and humanitarian ties, which play an extremely important role in strengthening interstate relations, bringing people closer together and mutual enrichment of cultures, was also noted. According to the general opinion, in the interests of two friendly peoples it is necessary to hold mutual cultural fairs, exchange experiences in the field of museum affairs, and develop interaction in the field of education.

Once again congratulating Bernd Heinze on the start of his work in Turkmenistan as the head of the diplomatic mission of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his readiness to provide the plenipotentiary representative of a friendly country with comprehensive assistance in his work aimed at further strengthening the established fruitful interstate dialogue.

Thanking for the kind parting words, the diplomat, for his part, assured that he would make every effort for the comprehensive development of traditionally friendly relations, continuing the course taken to intensify Turkmen-German cooperation, which fully meets the interests of the two countries and their peoples.

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