The results of the elections of the prematurely retired deputies of the Mejlis were summed up at the CEC meeting

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On July 9, a meeting of the Central Commission for Elections and Referendums in Turkmenistan was held, at which the final results of the elections were summed up instead of the prematurely retired deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan in the electoral districts No. 1 "Garaşsyzlyk", No. 2 "Bitaraplyk" and No. 6 "Köpetdag" of Ashgabat, which were held on July 7, 2024.

As it was emphasized during the meeting, the elections were held on the principles of alternative, transparency and openness. 

There was a high level of voter activity. In particular, 79 thousand 121 people living in these districts took part in the elections of deputies of the Mejlis in three electoral districts, which amounted to 91.32 percent of the total number of voters on the voter lists.

During the meeting, the report of the chairman of the election commission of the city of Ashgabat on the summing up of the election results was heard. In accordance with the Electoral Code, on the basis of democratic principles, three candidates were registered for one seat in the last elections in 3 electoral districts, which indicates that these elections were held on an alternative basis. Thus, according to the protocols of the election commissions, 3 deputies of the national Parliament were elected following the results of the vote.

In accordance with the current legislation, the list of elected deputies will be published in the press.

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