Last week, 28 deals were registered at the GTSBT auction

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Last week, 28 transactions were registered at the auctions of the State Commodity Exchange of Turkmenistan.

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan purchased ECO 93 gasoline and polyethylene products produced at the technological installations of the Group of Companies (GK "Türkmenhimiýa"), and Georgia – petroleum road bitumen (GK "Türkmennebit").

In addition, cotton yarn and cotton lint were sold for foreign currency. Buyer countries: UAE, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan. The total amount of transactions amounted to over 85 million 547 thousand US dollars.

For the domestic market, domestic businessmen purchased base oil, mixed paraffin gach (GK "Turkmennebit"), float sheet glass, as well as handmade carpets and cotton lint. The total amount of transactions amounted to more than 56 million 179 thousand manats.

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