A new issue of the electronic magazine "Arkadagly Aşlar" has been published

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A new issue of the electronic magazine "Arkadagly Aşlar" of the Central Council of the Magtumguly Youth Organization for 2024 has been published.

An article entitled "Döwlet berkararlygynyń synmaz sütunleri" is published on the first pages of the magazine on the occasion of the Constitution Day and the State Flag of Turkmenistan, celebrated on May 18.

The article titled "Mertebe belentligi" is dedicated to the monument of Magtymguly Pragy, erected in our capital.

The new issue of the publication tells about the scientific and practical conference "Magtymguly - geçmişimiz, şu günümiz we geljegimizdir", organized by the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization and the Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, together with the hakimlik of the Balkan Velayat.

The article "Mukaddes Tuga tagzym" talks about the value of the National Flag in our hearts. The article "Ömrüñ manysy Watandan başlanýar" sounds like a heartfelt song about the defenders of the Motherland, and the article in Turkmen "Aşgabat: geçmişden geljege uzaýan gözellik" describes the festive events dedicated to the Day of Ashgabat, celebrated on May 25.

The article "Gahrymanlar unudylmaıar" once again recalls our heroes who participated in the struggle for the independence of our Homeland. The article "Hatlardaky hasratlar" will tell readers about the past years.

The article "Gadymyýetden gözbaş alýan şäher" traces the history of the study of the ancient city of Anau. The article in English talks about the importance of digital books.

Another article in the series "Aşlar – ylym dünýäsinde", which has become traditional in our magazine, introduces the scientific research of two young scientists. The article titled "Yañydy dolanym seniñ goýnuña..." and related articles will arouse great interest among readers. This year's graduates of the country's universities shared their impressions in them.

Several articles in the new issue of the magazine are devoted to the results of sports competitions held between higher and secondary educational institutions of the country, the beauty of the Caspian Sea, as well as events in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Makhtumkuli Fraga, held in educational institutions.

The grandson of the famous bakhshi wrote an article "Magtymguly Pyragynyń şygyrlary Sahy Jepbarowyń aýdymlarynda" for the new issue of the magazine. The poetic reflections "Gün zarñyldadyp jañ kakmaz" complete the materials of the publication.

On the last pages of the magazine you can find the announcement of the creative festival "Talyp joşguny – 2024", recipes for summer salads and the new winner of the creative competition "Waspçy".

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