Nature protection is a sphere of combining international efforts

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Today, a scientific and practical conference "Turkmenistan - the land of ecological well-being" dedicated to the World Environment Day was held in the large conference hall of the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex of the country.

The annual forum provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements in the field of ecology and the results of the successful implementation of state programs initiated by Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The conference, which was held in a hybrid format, was attended by heads and specialists of environmental structures and sectoral departments, the scientific community, universities and public associations of the country, reputable international and regional organizations, including the United Nations and its specialized structures.

The forum was preceded by an exhibition in the foyer of the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex, which demonstrated Turkmenistan's achievements in the environmental field. The books of Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as well as the new, 4th edition of the Red Book of Turkmenistan, which is of great importance in preserving the unique gene pool of the flora and fauna of the Motherland, took pride of place here.

The audience listened with great attention to the welcoming Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to workers in the field of environmental protection of Turkmenistan. As emphasized in the message of the head of state: "Ensuring sustainable development and environmental safety on Earth is closely linked to international cooperation. By joining dozens of United Nations environmental conventions, our country is taking a responsible approach to solving the challenges of sustainable development facing the world community."

World Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 and has since been celebrated in many countries, uniting the world community in an effort to actively unite in solving global problems of our time. This is an occasion to reflect on the responsibility of everyone for the ecological state of the planet and the need for respect for nature, as well as the opportunity to take an active part in preserving its beauty and wealth for the benefit of future generations.

The celebration of World Environmental Protection Day in the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state is also relevant in the context of our country's foreign policy strategy, an important aspect of which is to unite the efforts of the international community in solving important tasks in the environmental sphere, implementing environmental programs and projects both in the Central Asian region and in the world as a whole.

The plenary session comprehensively highlighted the multifaceted work carried out in Turkmenistan to ensure environmental well-being and improve legislation in this direction. As it was emphasized, in accordance with national traditions of respect for nature, measures are being taken to preserve the environment, prudent use of natural resources, and the development of a "green" economy.

Special mention was made of the active work being carried out in the country to implement the UNESCO program aimed at preserving and popularizing natural sites of special ecological importance. An example of this is the UNESCO chairs opened at Turkmen universities at the initiative of Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The development of fruitful partnership between Turkmenistan and reputable international structures is also evidenced by the inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List within the framework of the multilateral dossier of the nomination "Turanian Deserts of the Temperate Zone", prepared through international cooperation, the State Nature Reserves "Bereketli Garagum", "Gaplañgyr", the State Biosphere Reserve "Repetek" and the desert ecosystems of its reserve "Yerajy".

Speaking via video link, Viorel Gutu, Deputy Director General and FAO Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, noted that the conference serves as a good platform for dialogue and knowledge exchange.

The FAO Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia focused on the key role of agriculture and food systems in combating climate change. In this context, it was emphasized that by increasing resilience, adapting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is possible to protect biodiversity and ensure food security for all.

At the plenary session, the participants were presented with a video message by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) A.Orazbay, in which they announced the implemented large-scale projects to restore the ecosystem of the Aral Sea basin and mitigate the consequences of the environmental crisis within the framework of Action Programs to assist the countries of the Aral Sea Basin (PBAM) and the Regional Environmental Protection Program for Sustainable Development development of the countries of Central Asia (UNDAF CA).

Further, the forum continued its work in three sections, which were simultaneously held in the administrative building of the Agricultural Complex of the country, the S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University in Ashgabat and the Turkmen Agricultural Institute in Dashoguz.

The section "Main directions of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection" discussed issues related to Turkmenistan's interaction in the environmental sphere.

As it was emphasized, by joining all the basic international conventions and agreements in the field of nature protection, our country demonstrates a serious and responsible approach to their implementation, regularly taking important initiatives. Among them are the proposals put forward by the head of state on ensuring environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, combating climate change, desertification, etc.

The speakers noted the importance of introducing principles for sustainable pasture management in the country, talked about the experiences of rational use of natural resources in arid regions, reducing methane emissions during the extraction and transportation of natural gas, etc.

It was stated that Turkmenistan stands for the development of effective partnership with other large organizations and structures, striving to optimize cooperation on issues on which the future of all mankind depends.

The section "The role of ecology in the implementation of sustainable development goals" included questions about the impact of irrigation in an innovative way on the environment, the importance of creating forest zones and the implementation of the project for the construction of the Turkmen lake "Altyn asyr", etc.

As noted, mass actions on planting seedlings, which have become a good tradition in our country, contribute to the creation of new park and forest areas, the enrichment of the Turkmen flora and the formation of a favorable climate, which is an important condition for ensuring environmental safety, health and well-being of the population.

The topic of international scientific research on the study and conservation of biological diversity in specially protected natural territories of our country was also touched upon.

It was noted that the national strategy in this area, successfully implemented in the modern era, is harmoniously combined with the Goals of Sustainable Development of the Community of Nations and the priorities for protecting the planet's ecosystems.

At the session "Issues of improving the ecological condition of the Aral Sea region", the activities of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the work carried out in the states of the region to improve the ecological condition and integrated use of water resources of the Aral Sea basin in the context of climate change were the subject of in-depth discussion.

As it was emphasized, in recent decades, in projects prepared for disaster management in the Aral Sea region, along with scientific methods, the development of a complex of modern high technologies has been progressing.

Among them is the technology of remote sensing using hyperspectral analysis of vegetation and soil cover of various landscapes, which contributes to the development of National Plans aimed at preserving biodiversity in a short time and monitoring using a digital system.

Special emphasis was placed on the main areas of cooperation between the Caspian littoral states in the field of hydrometeorology, measures taken to reduce methane emissions in accordance with the principles of international agreements on environmental protection.

The environmental aspects of the application of advanced water-saving technologies in countries with arid climates were also discussed.

It was noted that Turkmenistan attaches special importance to rational water use due to the widespread introduction of scientific achievements, modern, digital conservation technologies, which in turn is closely related to the preservation of environmental well-being. Effective measures are being taken to improve the land reclamation status and provide the population with clean drinking water. The material and technical base of the industry is being strengthened, reservoirs and other hydraulic structures are being put into operation in the regions.

The participants of the conference, as well as employees of the relevant field, accepted a letter of thanks to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed sincere appreciation for the effective steps taken to protect the environment, assuring that they would make every effort to further successfully implement environmentally significant projects in order to ensure rational use of natural resources.

Festive events on the occasion of World Environmental Protection Day were held in all the velayats of the country.

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