To the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov

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Dear President of Turkmenistan,

On behalf of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of the widely celebrated World Environment Day in our independent neutral homeland, "The Storehouse of the Mind of Magtumkugly Pragy" in our independent neutral Homeland, as well as by the international community.

I wish you good health, long life, and further success in your activities for the sake of turning our country into a blooming garden, and the development of environmental diplomacy.

Dear our President!

The solemn celebration in your native Homeland in the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state under your leadership of World Environmental Protection Day, widely celebrated by the world community in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, is a sign of the great attention paid at the state level to environmental well–being, the enrichment of fauna, as well as the joint efforts and responsible approach to solving these issues.

By joining and ratifying international conventions and treaties in this field, our neutral country fully fulfills its obligations. Turkmenistan actively participates in international efforts implemented at the global level in the fight against climate change, desertification, saving the Aral Sea, preserving the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea and nature protection.

Our highly esteemed President!

Your announcement at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on our country's accession to the Global Methane Commitment and readiness to fulfill all conditions was a vivid evidence of Turkmenistan's intensification of activities in the fields of ecology and environmental protection. At the same time, it fully confirmed the fact that our State has implemented the National Climate Change Strategy.

Our highly esteemed President!

The annual holding of a nationwide tree planting campaign in the country with your participation gives a great impetus to the transformation of our Motherland into a blooming garden and the multiplication of people's love for beautiful nature. According to your main motto, "The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!" in Turkmenistan, wide opportunities are being created to protect the health of the population, respect for picturesque nature, rational use of natural resources, implementation of environmental policy, and transformation of the native Homeland into a blooming garden. As a result of regular tree planting campaigns, parks, magnificent gardens, a favorable ecosystem, as well as forest areas are being formed in our sovereign country.

The boundaries of the forest zones around our capital – Ashgabat, the city of Arkadag and the velayats are increasingly expanding. The Avaza National Tourist Zone, located on the clean coast of the Caspian Sea, has appropriate conditions for the recreation of our compatriots and foreign guests, their acquaintance with the local unique nature. The Turkmen lake "Altyn asyr", created in the center of the Karakum mountains, contributes to the enrichment of the flora and fauna of the Karakum Mountains, as well as to the improvement of the ecological condition of the entire region. International forums and conferences on the conservation of biological diversity and natural features, combating desertification, and land salinity are regularly held in the native Homeland. Our country's initiatives to preserve the beauty of nature in the world are widely supported by the international community.

The laws in force in the country on environmental protection, ensuring environmental well-being, such as "On Nature Protection", "On Flora", "On Wildlife", "On Environmental Safety", etc., further strengthen the legal framework for large-scale work carried out in this direction.

Dear Arkadagly Hero Serdar!

The wise saying of our people "The garden is the decoration of life" has now become a reality, which demonstrates the realization of bright aspirations. The certificate for assistance and contribution of tree planting actions to the United Nations "Trees in Cities" initiative, which was awarded to the city of Ashgabat, our beautiful capital, which is the pearl of Asia, is Turkmenistan's success in developing environmental diplomacy.

Dear our President!

Once again, on behalf of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of World Environment Day.

I wish you good health, long life, and further success in your endeavors for the benefit of the people and the country, which are of universal importance!

With respect to you
The National Leader of the Turkmen people,
Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan
The hero is Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

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