In the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, he received the head of the interparliamentary group of Japanese-Turkmen friendship

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On May 13, Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan D.Gulmanova met with the head of the interparliamentary group of Japanese-Turkmen friendship, member of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Japan T.Endo.

During the meeting, the important role of inter-parliamentary cooperation in the relations established between the two friendly countries in various fields was emphasized. In order to implement the idea of creating a dialogue "Central Asia + Japan", put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during his working visit to Japan, and the development of parliamentary cooperation on a regional basis, the importance of the initiative to hold the first meeting of the parliamentary leaders of Central Asia and Japan in Ashgabat was emphasized.

During the conversation, it was noted that the parliamentary dialogue has become an important part of expanding the scope of cooperation between the two countries, and the activities of parliamentary friendship groups on a bilateral basis increase opportunities for sharing legislative experience.

During the discussions on the current state of Turkmen-Japanese relations and prospects for their development, the parties stressed that there are great opportunities for expanding cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. In particular, it was noted that the events held within the framework of the 300th anniversary of Makhtumkuli Fraga, the great thinker of the East, the founder of Turkmen classical literature, give a great impetus to the development of cultural, friendly and fraternal ties between peoples.

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