The Forum on the development of the Trans-Caspian Transport Route will be held in Washington

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The 8th annual Trans-Caspian Forum entitled "How to maximize the use of the Middle Corridor" will be held on May 21, 2024 in Washington, USA. This is reported by the Caspian Policy Center (CPC).

"Cooperating with the embassies of the Caspian region, the South Caucasus and neighboring countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan, we are organizing the Middle Corridor Forum," the CPC website says.

The forum, organized by CPC, will be held in 3 sessions, where the development of the strategic partnership between the United States and the Caspian region, the development of the Middle Corridor route, as well as doing business in the Middle Corridor will be discussed.

The International Trans-Caspian Transport Route (Middle Corridor) connects the countries of Europe and Asia, passing through China, Kazakhstan, the waters of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan and Georgia. This route is used for container transportation by rail and sea transport.

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