In honor of the memory of the defenders of the peaceful life of the people

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On May 9, Turkmenistan solemnly celebrated a significant date – the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. On this day, we bow our heads in memory of our fathers and grandfathers, who, sparing no lives, defended their land in the name of the happiness of future generations.

The fiery years of the bloodiest war in the history of mankind have gone into the distant past. But it is impossible to forget her tragic events, the wounds left in the hearts. The Turkmen people made a worthy contribution to the Great Victory, thousands of our brave sons died in fierce battles. Over a hundred Turkmen citizens were awarded the high title of Hero for their bravery during the Great Patriotic War.

Victory was impossible even without the selfless work of the home front workers, which fell mainly on the shoulders of women, the elderly and teenagers. They showed unprecedented heroism in production, made warm clothes for front-line soldiers, donated their jewelry to the Defense Fund, harvested every last grain of wheat, every last box of cotton, thereby demonstrating an unprecedented example of perseverance, solidarity and humanity.

The Great Victory won is of great importance both from a historical point of view and for the patriotic education of the younger generation. For the unparalleled endurance and fearlessness of war veterans and home front workers, their very lives have become a model of selfless service to the people, the Motherland.

Our youth has someone to look up to. The glory of the courageous and brave ancestors who defended freedom in the Great Patriotic War is inscribed in golden letters in the history of the people. Thousands of our countrymen have demonstrated in battles unprecedented courage, loyalty to military duty, and devotion to the Motherland. Among them is Berdimuhamed Annaev, the great–grandfather of Head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the grandfather of the National Leader of the Turkmen people.

One of the unshakable foundations of Turkmen society is the sacred tradition of honoring national heroes, among whom, of course, are participants in the bloodiest war.

In the modern era, Victory Day is celebrated in our country in a special solemn way, thereby embodying the inextricable link between generations, the unwavering commitment of the Turkmen state to the principles of peace, humanism, harmony and creativity. On the eve of this significant date in the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fragi", meetings with representatives of the older generation were held in educational institutions of Turkmenistan, thematic exhibitions, literary evenings, solemn lines, competitions were organized.

National heroes are comprehensively surrounded by constant care from the state, the priority is the health of veterans, improvement of social and living conditions of their lives. Monetary and valuable gifts were presented to veterans of the fiery forties, as well as selfless home front workers and soldiers' widows in honor of the Great Victory on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The death of the nation's best sons became an irreparable loss and caused pain in every family. The names of all Turkmen soldiers, both those who fell and those who returned home, are listed in the memory books "Hatyra" and "Şöhrat", whose multi-volume publications contain information about the military feat of Turkmen people in the Great Patriotic War.

In the festive Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the people of Turkmenistan and veterans, it is emphasized that 1941-1945 was the most ruthless and at the same time the most mournful period in world history, when the aggressive and predatory war claimed the lives of millions of people and led to irreparable losses, leaving unhealed wounds. From the very beginning of that merciless war, which lasted for 1,418 days, our compatriots voluntarily went to the front, where they fought side by side with fraternal peoples on the fields of fierce battle, showing unparalleled bravery and courage.

As noted in the message of the head of Turkmenistan, in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, we highly honor the representatives of the older generation, whose valor and amazing life serve as an example to everyone. They, selflessly showing military and labor heroism in the name of human freedom, brought a glorious Victory closer.

...Early in the morning, according to the established good tradition, leaders and representatives of public organizations, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, honorary elders and gray-haired mothers, numerous residents of Ashgabat and guests of the capital gathered at the Memorial Complex "Halk hakydasy" to honor the memory of those who died in the name of a bright future for present and future generations.

Every year on May 9, people of different ages and nationalities come to this monument at the call of their hearts, at the behest of their souls, in order to pay tribute to the heroes who did not return from the bloodiest war in the history of mankind.

Every year fewer and fewer people remain with us, in whose honor the Victory Salute thundered back in 1945, who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War for our happiness and well-being.

The National Anthem of Turkmenistan is playing.

Young warriors, the successors of the military traditions of the Turkmen people, the patriotic orders of their courageous ancestors, stand in the Guard of Honor.

A magnificent wreath from President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is laid at the foot of the Baky şöhrat monument.

And then all the participants of the ceremony laid flowers at the foot of the monument with a feeling of deep respect.

The establishment of Turkmenistan as a regional peacekeeping center was a vivid expression of the continuity of the best traditions of our people and a worthy tribute to the feat of the fathers. Guided by the legal status of neutrality, independent Turkmenistan is making great efforts to strengthen world peace, build friendly and fraternal relations, expand mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign countries, strengthen the atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.

The creative initiatives of Arkadag Hero Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are now being successfully implemented by Arkadagly Hero Serdar and find full support from the world community, act as a reliable platform for productive international cooperation.

The progressive transformations carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state are aimed at the prosperity of the Motherland and the well-being of the Turkmen people. The era of great changes has affected all aspects of our country's life: the rapidly renewing appearance of the capital, cities and villages, the construction of comfortable residential buildings, modern educational and medical institutions, sports complexes, industrial enterprises, etc.

We owe our current successes to those who fought on the battlefields during the war years and worked selflessly for victory – to the feat of our compatriots who gave their lives for the independence of the Fatherland and the people.

Today, veterans are proud of the achievements of their Homeland, the President of the country, the young generation living in peacetime, before whom brilliant prospects are open. After all, in the name of this, they fought the enemy.

A low bow to our national heroes, who at the cost of their own lives brought the long-awaited Victory Day closer! Eternal memory and glory to them for our happy present and future!

...Today, solemn flower–laying ceremonies were held in all cities and villages of the country on the occasion of the significant date - the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory. Cultural events in honor of Victory Day, organized in the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga", increased our pride in an independent, neutral Homeland.

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