ADB is ready to invest in the restoration of the transport network in the South Caucasus

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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is ready to invest in the restoration of the transport network in the South Caucasus.

In particular, in an exclusive interview with Trend, ADB Director General for Central and West Asia Yevgeny Zhukov said this on the sidelines of the bank's annual meeting in Tbilisi.

"If we look at sectors, we also want to work more on transportation, continue to expand our cooperation with Azerbaijan Railways, because there are many unfinished tasks to rehabilitate the entire network," Zhukov stressed.

He mentioned that the ADB also hopes for successful negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, since as soon as a peace agreement is reached, this will allow the country to unblock an additional transport corridor, better connect Azerbaijan and the region with the world.

"There is a fairly old railway that runs from the southern part of Azerbaijan through Armenia to Nakhchivan. Therefore, if a peace agreement and other agreements are reached, we will be very happy to invest in the restoration of this network, but, of course, in accordance with the priority decisions of the Azerbaijani government," he added.

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