A pilot system of interdepartmental electronic interaction has been launched in Turkmenistan

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The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan organized an online launch of the implementation of an electronic data exchange system in Turkmenistan as part of a joint project "Promoting the implementation of a pilot system of interdepartmental electronic information exchange in Turkmenistan".

To deploy a pilot system of interagency electronic interaction based on the X-Road platform, Nortal, a world leader in the field of digital transformation with successful work experience and a strong professional global partner network, was selected.

The project "Assistance in the implementation of the pilot system of interdepartmental electronic information exchange in Turkmenistan" was launched in March 2023 and will become the basis for all future interdepartmental data transfer, continuing the efforts of UNDP to accelerate digital transformation in Turkmenistan within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Turkmenaragatnashyk Agency, signed in March 2022.

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