The Ministry of Transport will launch an experiment on electronic document management of all cargo transportation

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Starting from May 1, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation proposes to conduct an annual experiment on the transition to electronic document management for cargo transportation by all modes of transport. This follows from the draft government decree published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts. "To conduct in the period from May 1, 2024 to May 1, 2025, an experiment on the transition to electronic document management in the implementation of cargo transportation by road, sea, river, rail, and air modes of transport," the project document says. It is noted that the main task of the experiment is to test the first-priority prototypes of subsystems and services of the NCTLP of the first stage. The federal executive authority authorized to ensure the conduct of the experiment is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Russian Railways, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Ministry of Economy, the Federal Customs Service, the Federal Tax Service, the FSB, the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Human Welfare and the Russian Export Center will also participate in the pilot.

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