On the way to the digital economy: Turkmenaragatnashyk presented its achievements at the international forum

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Today, on April 25, the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investment in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan (TEIF - 2024) continues its work in the French capital, Paris. The forum is attended by heads of national organizations and ministries of Turkmenistan.

Today, on the second day of the forum, the fourth and fifth sessions were held. At the final, fifth session, entitled "Accelerating the process of attracting investments in new projects of Turkmenistan in the field of construction, gas chemistry, transport and communications", a number of representatives of the Turkmen side spoke. In particular, the head of the Turkmenaragatnashyk agency, H.Khudhugulyev, who spoke about the development of the digital economy and telecommunications system in Turkmenistan.

As the head of the agency noted in his speech, under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, digital development has become an integral part of national policy. The Government of Turkmenistan, together with the Islamic Development Bank, has implemented projects aimed at modernizing and expanding the national communications network.

It was noted that 8 interstate fiber-optic information transmission lines have been established in Turkmenistan. Over the past three years, the total volume of international Internet channels has increased 10 times.

The speech of the head of the Turkmenaragatnashyk agency attracted great interest from the forum participants, emphasizing the importance and potential of Turkmenistan in the digital sphere.

It should be noted that on April 25, the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investment in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan completes its work. The participants discussed the prospects for cooperation and the potential for investment in the energy sector of Turkmenistan, and also expressed hope for further development of partnership relations.

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