Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the government

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Today, on April 25, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan via a digital network. This was reported in the Vatan news program.

As noted, a number of priority issues of public life were included in the agenda of the meeting.

At the government meeting, first of all, the floor was given to the leader of the national Parliament, D. Gulmanov. He provided information on the ongoing work to further improve the national legal framework in accordance with the requirements of the time. They also discussed the preparation of new draft laws, amendments and additions to a number of existing laws, the activities of deputies, parliamentary relations at the international level.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of continuing to improve the country's legal system and carrying out effective work on the development of new bills. Then the Deputy prime Ministers reported on the work carried out in the controlled structures, the measures being implemented for the further development of industries, the implementation of previously given instructions, international relations, the country's foreign policy, and upcoming measures in the economic sphere. relevant areas and preparation for them.

After hearing the reports, the Turkmen leader gave specific instructions and instructions to the relevant leaders, based on the work being carried out in various complexes of the country, in the sectors of the national economy, international relations, upcoming activities, and tasks for the future. development of sectors.

Following the meeting of the Government, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the members of the Cabinet of Ministers and all his compatriots and informed that the national holiday of the Turkmen horse will be widely celebrated in the country on April 28.

--"We will create all conditions for the development of horse breeding in our country and in the future at the global level," the Turkmen leader stressed and cordially congratulated the participants of the assembly and all his compatriots on this wonderful holiday.

The participants of the government meeting also expressed sincere congratulations to the President of Turkmenistan and the Chairman of the People's Council on the occasion of the national holiday of the Turkmen horse.

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