Chairman Halk Maslahaty met with the Executive Director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy

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Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov met with Executive Director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy Michael Harms on April 24.

The guest expressed gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people for the opportunity to meet in person and, taking the opportunity, conveyed warm greetings from the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, as well as wishes for peace and prosperity to the Turkmen people.

Thanking for the kind words, the National Leader of the Turkmen people conveyed greetings and best wishes to the leaders of the Federal Republic of Germany and stressed that the current visit of the Executive Director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy would provide a good opportunity to discuss and exchange views with Turkmen colleagues on promising projects and investment cooperation.

Hero-Arkadag expressed confidence that the results of the visit would serve as a good foundation for further building up mutually beneficial partnership in new areas of mutual interest.

Germany is one of Turkmenistan's important partners in the European Union, Chairman Halk Maslahaty continued, stating that today our countries are carrying out fruitful cooperation in almost all areas of bilateral cooperation.

In this context, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that one of the priorities of bilateral cooperation is the trade and economic sphere. It was noted that Turkmenistan and Germany cooperate very effectively in the medical industry, agriculture, banking sector, as well as in the transport and communication sphere. A number of the largest German companies have been successfully operating in the Turkmen market for many years.

During the meeting, Executive Director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy Michael Harms noted the importance of the strategic cooperation map developed last year between Turkmenistan and Germany, which includes projects in the field of energy, chemical industry, agriculture, transport corridor between Europe and China, "green transformation", modernization of water management and many other specific issues.

The productive nature of our country's cooperation with the Eastern Committee of the German Economy in establishing partnership contacts with German companies was also emphasized. In this regard, the parties confirmed their intention to continue cooperation in order to increase trade and economic ties and attract new investments to the Turkmen market.

During the meeting, the guest noted the importance of the Arkadaga Hero's working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany in September last year, during which the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke at the Turkmen-German business forum, where priority partnership positions were announced and promising proposals for promoting productive cooperation were discussed. Special emphasis was also placed on the fruitfulness of the high-level talks held in Berlin in the format of "Central Asia+Germany", meetings with the leadership and representatives of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy.

It is also noteworthy that during the visit of the German company "Goetzpartners" to Turkmenistan earlier this year, a Memorandum was signed promoting the creation of a medical cluster in the city of Arkadag. In this context, it was noted that there are mutually beneficial prospects for further cooperation.

During the meeting, Hero-Arkadag invited the Executive Director of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy to make much wider use of the existing potential, in particular in the field of advanced technologies, "green" energy, the construction of inclusive and "smart" cities, and stressed the readiness to consider specific proposals from the Committee.

Expressing sincere gratitude in this regard, the guest expressed confidence in the further successful development of interstate relations in various directions and enriching them with qualitatively new content.

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