To the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan

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My native people!

Dear compatriots!

I sincerely congratulate you on the holy Eid al–Fitr - a holiday that preaches the spiritual and moral ideals of humanity! I am firmly convinced that the Eid al-Fitr, which is a high symbol of charity, kindness and humanism, will shine a wonderful light on the happy life of our courageous people, who selflessly work and create in the name of a bright future of their native Homeland, increasing pride in its greatness and glory in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state!

Our courageous people, committed to the principles of friendship, humanism and good morals, especially honor the holy month of Oraz, following the high ideals and moral values of Islamic culture. This year, held under the motto "The Storehouse of the mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga", in the month of Oraz, fasts and ancestral traditions were observed, tarawa prayers were read, meals were held in each family, prayers were read for the well-being and prosperity of the Motherland.

On the blessed days of the holy month of Oraz, with the participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag, a mosque named after Seyit Dzhemaletdin was opened in the ancient city of Anau, as well as in Gadyr gijesi – the Night of Mercy and Virtue, when the first verses of the Holy Koran were revealed, new mosques were opened in the villages of Khazar, Ruhubelent, and Dovly and a shuttle. Guided by the principles of mercy and humanism bequeathed to us by our great ancestors, in order to further strengthen the unity and cohesion of the Turkmen society and each family, as well as on the occasion of the sacred Gadyr gijesi, convicts were pardoned, who were released from further imprisonment.

Dear compatriots!

Throughout the history of mankind, Turkmens have been known as a people with rich experience in creating ancient civilizations and states, in building a just society, affirming the principles of peace, friendship, humanism and goodness.

The teachings and instructions about good and evil, honor and impiety, greed, sin and benevolence, about the truth and lies of our sages – Muhammad Gaymaz Turkmen, Abdullah ibn Mubarek, Mahmoud Zamakhshari, Abu Sagit Abulkhayir, Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Necmeddin Kubra, Dovletmammet Azadi, Makhtumkuli Fragi – are the eternal legacy of great ideas and philosophical views on the spiritual world and the morality of mankind.

The unprecedented material and spiritual values created by our courageous ancestors, who became a model of love for the Motherland, loyalty to the people, courage and valor, humanism and justice, inspire us to achieve new high levels of progress, increase our pride in an independent Homeland. Our glorious history and the current great epoch contribute to the development of harmonious relations between peoples, friendship and brotherhood.

In a new historical era, based on the traditions and rich experience of our people accumulated over millennia, we are pursuing a policy consistent with the global goals of peace, security and well-being. We are reaching new heights by successfully implementing our programs in the name of the happiness of every family, ensuring a high standard of living and well-being of the people, and creating a competitive national economy.

My native people!

Dear compatriots!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the holy Eid al–Fitr - a holiday that preaches the spiritual and moral values of humanity!

May the Almighty accept your blessings and prayers, performed tarawa prayer, sadaqah and recited verses in the blessed month of Oraz in the name of increasing the world glory of our neutral country, a prosperous and happy life of the people!

I wish you good health, happiness, and great success in your work for the sake of the further prosperity of the Motherland, confidently moving forward to new heights of progress!

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

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